Pilgrimage for Indigenous Rights

Mennonite Church Canada Indigenous-Settler Relations


About the Walk

The Pilgrimage for Indigenous Rights began with a 600 km walk from Kitchener to Ottawa in support of the adoption and implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Comprised mostly of Christians, our hope was to embody a tangible response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, specifically Call #48 which summons all churches to learn about the Declaration, facilitate public dialogue around it, and embrace its minimum standards.

The first part of the Pilgrimage is done. But the Pilgrimage is far from over. Walkers and church communities continue to raise awareness of the Declaration and mobilize on behalf of Bill C-262 (a private members bill that would ensure that the laws of Canada are in harmony with the Declaration).

This folding map I created served as an orientation and picture reference for all walkers, providing context for locations and basic housekeeping for emergency purposes.